
I think I know you if you are a karate senci

I was interviewed again last night on the Mr. Reeves Show at Musicisthegatewaydrug.com (link to the right). This time it went out over the internet airwaves without a hitch, unless by hitch you mean a rambilng, cursing drunk idiot, in which case, yes, there was one of those.
The Death Flu is gone, and so is winter, which means if I can get a fire permit, we'll have a big 'ol bonfire on Thursday night. No, that isn't a brilliant song lyric I just made up. It's a real live fact, baby. And boy, will there ever be pictures.
So, I was googling an old friend of mine and e-stumbled over this baby-naming page where anyone could suggest names for a young couple's new baby. Sweet God in paradise, I love the internet. Here are some actual quotes, and how they make me feel.

"Janessa" is a good name, but I can warn you that she would accidentally be called "Vanessa" most of her life.

Can you imagine a worse fate than being called Vanessa? Yes. Being called Janessa.

For girl names, I like the name Irissa Sylvana

"Wesly Diane" if it's a girl because it combines both an unusual name "Wesly" and a more usual name "Diane" which flows very well together and seems to represent past, present and future.

Hell, just name her Unlucky Time Machine, and stop screwing around.

2 cool girl names: Naquel (like Raquel but with a N) Storey (a woman I know just named her kid this-- kind of weird but it grows on you!

No, it doesn't.

A boy - Brayden a girl - Braelyn (Both really unique!!!)

For a good reason!!!

Adia (from the Sarah mclachlan song)

Alexxus Kristin

The extra 'X' is for extra Alexxus!

Ricky because it means "powerful god."

Wait. . . Ricky?

and now, my favorite. . .

Alicia because I think I know you if you are a karate senci

The page is enormous. Please, enjoy it as much as I did. Namesplosion!


Anonymous said...

your a strange, strange kid, but i love it. oh and you need to put the link up for that radio show, because its not on here like you said it was :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I am going to enjoy leaving you unwanted comments.

As for the namesplosion extravaganza, here's one I liked:

"Adam Scott for a boys name. We liked the name 25 years ago but could not use it because our last name starts with the letter A. Thus initials ASS."

And that was a bad thing because... ??

taylor said...

it doesn't even spell ASS. It spells ASA. Baby namers are morons. We should just give babies numbers, like Fed-Ex packages.

Anonymous said...

#1: This is one of the most disgusting, horrible things I have ever read.

#2: Tell Ellen I'm really sorry to hear that Daisy has an enormous cucumber tumor.

#3: If you ever use the phrase "tumor juice" in my presence we wil no longer be friends.

#4: Bring me an extra pair of gloves if we visit the Freemans this summer.