
The Magic Window

          Remember Jim Morrison and the Beaver? No? Just scroll down. Still don't see it? You're stupid. It's right there. Down a bit. There, see it? What? What the hell is wrong with you? It's RIGHT THERE!

Oh, nevermind. Anyways, here's some more fun with Jess. First, the second edition of Woodland Creatures Meeting Historical Figures of Note.


Last night I told Jess that I would just loooove a picture of a steam powered space rocket, then Jess said, "How about a fire-penguin instead?" I said that gee, I guess that wouldn't entirely suck, but what I really want is a steam powered space rocket and not a fire-penguin as she then suggested for the second time. Ergo. . .


I could see that my friend Jess was in a creative up-for-anything mood so I commisioned a piece involving a turtle, on his hind legs, wearing a suit, who is both startled and worried by presently witnessing an off-screen car accident and the surrounding cloud of gnats about which he can do nothing, for his suit is ill fit. Also there is a pile of steaks.


Now you can visit Jess's MySpace page and tell her just how much of your colon she just rocked right out of your body.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are pretty sweet drawings. Check out my friend's: http://creasedcomics.blogspot.com/
I especially enjoy the vagina collage.
